Monday, October 28, 2013

Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda!!

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity, Indonesian.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Went to Makassar~

I went to Makassar!!
Thank GOD, finally!!

 I took a picture with my dad when we were in Trans Studio Makassar.

Actually, there were lots of picture but I only have one with me, so I might upload it later, muahahaha...

Bolopronto Fusilli
Black Pepper Chicken
Potato Wedges
Fresh Salad & Fruits

 Those are western foods, right? Because those are not Indonesian, ahahaha XD

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Plz God, Plz!!!!!!

My elder sister and my father told me that they will be going to South Celebes, Makassar. They were wondering if I want to go with them or not. Since I have my own money, they said that if I want to go, I have to use my own money, and I have no money, long story that I prefer not to mention how it disappear, cough (not that the money used up, like throwing money around, like used it for unwanted usage, trust me!).

My sister just asked me this morning. I didn't go to work today, so they left me alone. My sister was the last person left the house. When she was trying which shoe she would use, she told me that if I want to go to Makassar with her and father, since there will be a test she has to attend and the test will be in Makassar. Beside the test, she will traveling around, she said so we could have fun for few days despite our never ending busy day that really monotone.

After few hours later she left, my father arrived earlier than usual from his work. When I was screwing the computer, he also asked me the same question, BUT use our own money, you know, being autonomous and all, so I shook my head and told him that I have no money, he just laughed and teased me if I have no money then no few good time in Makassar.

Plz God, I'm begging you D:
Have mercy on me :'(

Few hours later, my mother arrived from school. She is a teacher in middle school. My father was sitting outside, I was inside. Before my mother entered the house, my father asked her that I wanted to go to Makassar but I have no money. She had agreed that I could go, she'll give me money, oh boy that I'm not a happy girl on earth right now, muahahaha~~~~~

Lord, please bless the plan so everything will be fine.
Plz Plz Plz D:

If we actually finally can go there, I'm going to post sooooooooooooo much pictures about my short vacation.

PS : I have to beg for absence for a few days from my office, I hope they'll understand D:

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

October the 1st

Today is already October, the 1st.
Which means....

Today is my first day as a 20 years old Lady.

Let's act like a Lady!
Be classy...


Be myself.

Thank You so much, Lord Jesus Christ! For everything You've given to me from the day I was born up till now, I lost count just how much You love me, because You know what? I love You so much!!!!!!!!