Thursday, August 29, 2013


Intelligence, kindness, a sense of humour, a curiosity for life, a love for knowledge… in the end, those are what endure and the true meaning of "beauty"


La inteligencia, la bondad, el sentido del humor, la curiosidad por la vida, el amor por el conocimiento ... al final, esos son lo que perdure y el verdadero significado de la "belleza"

知性、優しさ、ユーモアのセンス、生活のための好奇心、知識のための愛の...最後には、それらは耐えると "美しさ"の本当の意味は何です

Intelligence, la gentillesse, le sens de l'humour, une curiosité pour la vie, un amour de la connaissance ... en fin de compte, ce sont les supporter et le vrai sens de "beauté"

Νοημοσύνη, την ευγένεια, την αίσθηση του χιούμορ, η περιέργεια για τη ζωή, την αγάπη για τη γνώση ... στο τέλος, αυτά είναι ό, τι αντέξει και το πραγματικό νόημα της "ομορφιάς"

Intelligenz, Güte, einen Sinn für Humor, eine Neugier für das Leben, die Liebe zum Wissen ... am Ende, das sind, was zu ertragen und die wahre Bedeutung von "Schönheit"

אינטליגנציה, טוב לב, חוש הומור, סקרנות לחיים, אהבה לידע ... בסופו של הדבר, אלה הם מה לסבול ואת המשמעות האמיתית של "יופי"

L'intelligenza, la gentilezza, il senso dell'umorismo, una curiosità per la vita, l'amore per la conoscenza ... alla fine, quelli sono ciò che sopportare e il vero significato di "bellezza"

지성, 친절, 유머 감각, 삶에 대한 호기심, 지식에 대한 사랑 ... 결국은, 사람들은 참아 "아름다움"의 진정한 의미 무엇입니까

Inteligencja, życzliwość, poczucie humoru, ciekawość życia, miłości do wiedzy ... w końcu to są, co przetrwa i prawdziwe znaczenie "piękna"

Интеллект, доброта, чувство юмора, любопытство к жизни, любовь к знаниям ... В конце концов, те, что терпеть и истинный смысл "красота"

Intelijen, kebaikan, rasa humor, rasa ingin tahu untuk hidup, cinta untuk pengetahuan ... pada akhirnya, mereka adalah apa bertahan dan makna sebenarnya dari "keindahan"

หน่วยสืบราชการลับความเมตตาความรู้สึกของอารมณ์ขันอยากรู้อยากเห็นเพื่อชีวิต, ความรักที่มีความรู้ ... ในที่สุดเหล่านั้นเป็นสิ่งที่อดทนและความหมายที่แท้จริงของ "ความงาม"

Inteligência, bondade, senso de humor, a curiosidade pela vida, um amor pelo conhecimento ... no fim, esses são o que suportar eo verdadeiro significado de "beleza"

इंटेलिजेंस, दयालुता, हास्य की भावना, जीवन के लिए एक जिज्ञासा, ज्ञान के लिए एक प्यार ... अंत में, उन सहना और "सौंदर्य" का सही अर्थ क्या हैं

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


If only I knew
There are not wholeheartedly
The way you love me
Makes me ask

There may be hidden
Something tells me that
I want to ask you
About something in you

Shall be no secrets stored
Deep in your heart that I can not understand
Will you talk to me honestly
I know that it can stored in your heart, in your heart

In the beginning this heart used to
Put a trust on you
There was never a moment I was denying your sincerity..

There may be hidden
Something tells me that
I want to ask you
About something in you

Piyu - Firasatku (feat. Inna Kamarie)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blonde Dudes with their Existence.

F^ck Blondies & Their Existence.

This is why I love with blonde. Uzumaki Naruto. Sigh~
I might be crazy, so what.

You know him, right? Right? Right????
Muahahaha.... Like father, like son.. Yep, Namikaze Minato.

 "Art is a Blast." 
Another hot blonde from Akatsuki.

Darn, if you know the first blonde,
*point on Naruto's picture* I'm sure you know the rest.

Let's go to the "real" one..

Toby Hemingway. I knew him from "The Covenant" movie.

I am number four. I knew him from that movie.
Alex Pettyfer...

Damn right, Draco Malfoy *cough*
I knew him from Harry Potter, Tom Felton...

Dude, any of you *cough* know Queen, right?
Err.. The band from the Great England.
This dude is the drummer's son. Rufus Taylor...