Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Alter Ego

After knowing about ALTER EGO, and tried to find what is it, I was like, "Ah..." I have like, three. I have my other me, my other selves, and I switched to one another without I even realize it.

What is Alter Ego? Well, according to Wikipedia, Alter Ego is;

An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") (disguised) is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality. A person who has an alter ego is said to lead a double life. The term appeared in common usage in the early 19th century when dissociative identity disorder was first described by psychologists. Cicero was the first to coin the term as part of his philosophical construct in 1st century Rome, but he described it as "a second self, a trusted friend".

A distinct meaning of alter ego can be found in literary analysis, wherein it describes characters in different works who are psychologically similar, or a fictional character whose behavior, speech or thoughts intentionally represent those of the author. It's also used to design the best friend of another character in a story. Similarly, the term alter ego may be applied to the role or persona taken on by an actor or by other types of performers.

The existence of "another self" was first recognized in the 1730s. Anton Mesmer used hypnosis to separate the alter ego. These experiments showed a behavior pattern that was distinct from the personality of the individual when he was in the waking state compared to when he was under hypnosis. Another character had developed in the altered state of consciousness but in the same body.

Alter ego is also used to refer to the different behaviors any person may display in certain situations. Related concepts include avatar, doppelgänger, impersonator, and Dissociative identity disorder (DID).
I have three of me. I don't know which one is the original me, and I can't decide.

1. Say hi to the 1st me. I haven't found a suitable name yet, so I will mention her as the "1st" me. So, the first me is; Calm, Cool, I-don't-care person, don't really want to talk, loves to stay inside my room, most likely to be an anti-social person, and sleep. The first me is like, I am the me who want to only be alone and only want to associate with my only self. I hate skin contact!

2. Say hi to the 2nd me. Just like the 1st me, I still don't have a good name yet so is the 3rd. I will think about them later. So the 2nd me, she is a social girl, loves to gather along with my friends. The 2nd me is like, I am a social person, loves to associate with others. I am so cheerful, and what you can say... A happy-go-lucky girl. I am persistence. If I like it now, I will get it now. I am an optimistic. If I think about something I want, I am sure that I will get it. If I want something, I will do any sane thing to get it until I get a hold of it. However, I am an easily bored person so if I am bored about it, I will leave it there. Also, if I want to do something, I tend to do it until the end. That is a good point.

3. Say hi to the 3rd me. This girl is still unnamed. So the 3rd me is a little spoiled. I love clinging to others. This is so not me since the 1st me doesn't like skin contact with others. The 3rd me like to tease people so much, a real flirtatious to whatever, I can even flirting with the trees. So coquettish and something like that.

Those three are my alter egos. Still have no idea which one is the real me. I can switch to the others according to the mood, the place, and time.

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