Friday, August 31, 2012



Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Personalities

About my personalities.

I've heard so many things called "Your personalities based on ... ... & ..."
You know? Zodiac, Shio, Blood Type, Day of Birth, Date of Birth, Month of Birth, blah....

How about all of them, combine it and make one point of someone personalities. 
It's NO WAY if people on this earth just have 4 personalities. Or 12. Or 30, that's bullshit.

"Okay, I'm...
September, 30th 1993. (Libra, Rooster Water's Year)
My blood type is B (Rh +)"

So, my personalities are;
Libra --> Never understand situation.

B -->  A female type B is like a cat.

Date of Birth [30th]
"Your birthday on the 30th day of the month shows individual it self-expression is necessary for your happiness. You tend to have a good way of expressing yourself with words, certainly in a manner that is clear and understandable. You have a good chance of success in fields requiring skill with words. You can be very dramatic in your presentation
and you may be a good actor or a natural mimic. You have a vivid imagination that can assist you in becoming a good writer or storyteller. Strong in your opinions, you always tend to think you are on the right side of an issue. There may be a tendency to scatter your energies and have a lot of loose ends in your work. You may have significant artistic talent and be very creative." -source-

September, 30th 
"You're a Troublemaker"
You have the type of personality that people either love or hate.
You're opinionated, dramatic, intense, and very outspoken.
And some people can't get enough of you - they're totally addicted.
Others, well, they wish you were a little more reserved.

Your strength: Your flair
Your weakness: If you think it, you say it
Your power color: Scarlet red
Your power symbol: Inverted triangle
Your power month: March 

"Born on Thursday"
People who are born on Thursday usually have to lead a very independent life and have to work hard for their success. They are usually very stubborn people and cannot stand critics from others and have very few true friends in their life.

"Thursday, Ruled-->Jupiter"
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and is associated with Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is by far the largest planet in the solar system, and it is therefore associated with large personality traits, such as wealth, wisdom and generosity. Jupiter can also be greedy, excessive and selfish. Either way, someone born on a Thursday is not, according to astrology, likely to do anything halfway.

Hardworking, resourceful, courageous and talented, Roosters are self-assured people. They possess powerful personalities and are notoriously dominant. In groups they are vivacious, amusing and popular. But Roosters can be conceited creatures, vain and boastful, with a strong egotistical need to constantly be the center of attention. Excellent at small talk, they can be the life of any party. Roosters are talkative types, outspoken, frank, open, honest -- but a little too blunt at times. A polished debater and able to cogently refute any opinion, the Rooster is a talented polemicist, and could be an excellent journalist or writer. With the Rooster's dedication to work well done, he or she would also make a good economist or a gifted administrator.

You can see the rest of the post here.

This Rooster is a bit more docile than the other Roosters. He is quieter, more tranquil, not as vocal or as spotlight hungry as other Roosters. These Roosters are great communicators probably because they do possess the ability to tone things down a bit. They have boundless energy that sometimes gets caught up in detail which causes a lapse in concentration. They have to learn to appreciate detail but not to harp on it, otherwise they may miss the final destination. (source)

F^ckin Complicated.

Gold ?!

Yesterday I bought Magnum. It was a new flavor of Magnum.
There's something wrong with the picture.

Did you notice???


I lol-ed so hard, the "GOLD" on the "MAGNUM GOLD", there's a question mark and exclamation mark, it's like.. The MAGNUM itself isn't sure whether it is GOLD or what, xD

Have you seen that ^ ad??
First time I watched it on TV, I thought it was a new movie, lmao.

If you haven't tasted that GOLD, you better buy it asap!
Just sayin.. x)

Have you heard this --> "GOOD AS GOLD" (Exactly as the last sentence on that ad)

There's a sentence --> "Silent is Gold"
...Gold is yellow...
...Yellow is sh^t...
...Sh^t is Silent...
...Silent is Gold...
...Gold is yellow...
and on and on and on....
Just Joking, forgive me xD

My Fave Gospel Song(s)

I just uploaded my fave song(s) on MF.
It's Alfa Omega - KUA-lah yang Terindah.
I posted the song lyrics few days ago, here...

You can download it here.

Here's Lionel Richie - Jesus is Love
Here's Andre Crouch - Jesus is the Answer

May our Lord bless us <3

Weird Dream

This is the 1233156531237238762178xn times I dreamed about a guy, and they are all famous. Like, 3 days in a row I dreamed about "A" dude. Months later, 2 days in a row I dreamed about "B" dude. Next month, it happened again. The last one was last night, damn...

Am I just too obsessed or what?! But I'm not a big-huge-fan of them, I just admire their manly, coolness, and skill. Not that "fanatic". Just, you know, when I saw them, the only thought I had was "Perfect." I don't know, eww..


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Most Touching Song(s) in My Life

Since I'm a Christian, and of course I have heard so many gospel songs. But so far, only "some-songs" that really "touched" my heart.

1. Title Song : "Kaulah yang Terindah" (You're the Finest)
Artist(s) : Alfa-Omega

This music video and song is quite old, but still... Makes me goosebumps every time I listen to this.

Here's The Lyrics :
Kaulah segalanya oh Tuhanku
You are my everything, Oh my Lord
Kau sumber hidupku
You're the source of my life
Ku Tak berdaya apapun
I’m helpless
Tanpa kasihMu
Without Your love
Engkau kekuatanku
You are my power
Engkau perisaiku ya Allahku
You are my shield, my Lord
Pegangglah tanganku oh Tuhanku
Hold my hand, oh Lord
Terangi jalanku
Enlighten my path
Ku kan melangkah di jalan
I'm going to step on the road
Jalan yang tak pasti
An uncertain path
Engkau pelitaku Tuhan gembalaku
Thou art my light, Lord you’re my shepherd

Reff : 
Kaulah yang terindah
You’re the finest
Didalam hidupku ini
In my life
Abadi cintaMu kepadaku
Your love is everlasting for me
Selalu kurasakan
I always feel
Segala yang terindah
Every beautiful things
Didalam hidupku ini
In my life
Kuserahkan padaMu
I give it to you
Pakailah hidupku
Use my life
Tuk kemuliaanMu
For Your glory
Semua kehidupan ditangan Tuhan
All the life is on Your hands
DijalanMu takkan kekurangan
On your path, there's nothing less

2. Title Song : "Jesus is Love" (Yesus adalah Kasih)
Artist(s) : Lionel Richie (Commodores)

First time I heard this song was from MJ's funeral.

Here's the lyrics :

Father, help your children
Bapa, tolong anak-anakMu
And don’t let them fall
Jangan biarkan mereka jatuh
By the side of the road
Di pinggir jalan

Teach them, to love one another
Ajari mereka, mengasihi sesama
Perhaps they might find
Mereka mengkin bisa menemukan
A place in their heart
Tempat di hati mereka

Jesus is love
Yesus adalah kasih
He won’t let you down
Dia tidak akan mengecewakanmu
And I know, He is love
Dan ku tahu, Dia adalah kasih
Forever in my heart
Selalu di hatiku

We’ve got to walk on
Kita harus berjalan
Walk on through temptations
Berjalan diatas cobaan
Cause His love and His wisdom
Karena kasih dan hikmat-Nya
Will be our helping hand
Akan menjadi tangan penolong kita
I know the truth, and His words
Ku tahu kebenaran, dan firman-Nya
Will be our salvation
Akan menjadi keselamatan kita
(and let our hearts)
(dan membiarkan hati kita)
To be thankful, and glad
Bersyukur dan bersuka

Jesus is love
Yesus adalah kasih
He won’t let you down
Dia tidak akan membiarkan kau kecewa
And I know, He is love
Dan ku tahu, Dia adalah kasih
Deep down in my soul
Jauh dilubuk jiwaku

Jesus is love
Yesus adalah kasih
Yes He is
Ya, dialah kasih
He won’t let you down
Dia tak akan membiarkan kau kecewa
And I know, He is love
Dan ku tahu, Dia adalah kasih
It’s in my, in my
Akan selalu ada
Forever in my heart
Didalam hatiku

I know, I know, I know
Aku tahu, aku tahu, aku tahu
He brought the power, the glory, forever
Dia membawa kekuatan, kemuliaan, selamanya

I wanna follow You Sir
Aku akan mengikuti-Mu, Tuhan
With every needs
Dengan segala kebutuhan
I don’t mind Lord
Aku tak keberatan
And I hope you don’t mind
Dan ku harap Engkau tak keberatan
I wanna walk with You
Ku ingin berjalan dengan-Mu
Talk with You
Bercerita dengan-Mu
Do all the things
Melakukan segala sesuatu
You want me to do
Yang Engkau mau
Cause I love you Jesus
Karena aku mengasihi Engkau Yesus

Jesus is love, I know
Yesus adalah kasih, dank u tahu itu
And if you want, I’ll show
Dan jika kau ingin, aku akan menunjukkan
Love is the word, forever
Kasih adalah firman, selamanya

Who can bring you love ?
Siapa yang dapat membawamu kasih?
Who can bring you joy ?
Siapa yang dapat membawamu kebahagiaan?
Who can turn your life around ?
Siapa yang dapat mengubah hidupmu?

Who will pick you up ?
Siapa yang akan mengangkatmu?
Who ? When you fall ?
Siapa? Ketika kau jatuh?
Who will stand beside you ?
Siapa yang akan berdiri di sampingmu?
Who will love us all ?
Siapa yang akan mengasihi kita semua?

Jesus ! Jesus !
Yesus! Yesus!
Who can heal your body ?
Siapa yang dapat menyembuhkanmu?
Who can make your strong ?
Siapa yang dapat membuatmu kuat?
Who can help your hold out
Siapa yang dapat menolongmu?
A little more to others ?
Yang lebih sedikit untuk orang lain?

Jesus loves you !
Yesus mengasihimu!
Jesus wants you !
Yesus menginginkanmu!
Hold Him in the morning
Pegang Dia di pagi hari
Hold Him …
Pegang Dia …
Hold Him in the night
Pegang Dia di malam hari

2. Title Song : "Bapa Sorgawi" (Heavenly Father)
Artist(s) : Nikita

This is an old song. Older than the first one.

Here's the lyrics :

Bapa surgawi ajarku mengenal
Heavenly Father, teach me how to know
Betapa dalamnya kasihMu
How deep Your love is
Bapa surgawi buatku mengerti
Heavenly Father, makes me understand
Betapa kasihMu padaku
How Your love to me

Semua yang terjadi di dalam hidupku
All the things that happened in my life
Ajarku menyadari Kau slalu sertaku
Has taught me to be aware that You are always on my side
B'ri hatiku slalu bersyukur padaMu
Give me the heart that always thankful to You
Karena rencanaMu indah bagiku
Because Your plan for me is beautiful

There are lots of songs, but I can't find some (sigh)