Monday, June 18, 2012

Law Student

So this year, I'll become a Law Student.
I've chosen it as my "future".

Ever since I was in middle school,
I would always have a debate between my class-mates, or even my teacher.
I spoke my mind.
If it was wrong, I would straight-forward.

Whenever I debate with whoever,
I never fail, I swear.
I'll always be the "winner" of the debate.

My sister is an Economic Student.
She will graduate this year.
At first, I had no idea what should I take as my degree.
I was thinking about following my sister's path, as an Economic degree.
And then I realized...
If I choose what my sister had chosen,
It would be a mainstream degree in our family, right?

I've talked this to my parents.
They agreed if I become a Law Student.
But my sister disagree with me.

"Being a Lawyer has too much sins, trust me!"
Well said, sist.... (cough)

But then recently,
The four of us (my mom, dad, elder sister, and I)
Made a decision to apply me into a law school.

Think back then,
I've been thinking about my great desire to enter Law School.
Look, I've argued (cough) with people whom have different thinking,
Which was totally wrong, and I ended up "SMILING",
Signed of "I TOLD YA!"

Oh, I did argue with our "head of student council" a.k.a Ketua OSIS when I was in high school.
Long story short, she asked us to go to school early in the morning because of the "Teacher's Day".
If the general time of us to go to school is on 7.15am,
she asked us to go on 4-ish am IN THE FUCKING MORNING.

I was like..
"Dafuq, man???!!"

Everyone disagreed, but they had no balls to reject her offer.
I sat on the last row of the class, where we had our stupid meeting at that time.

Everyone complaining, but they were like...
"I guess we can re-consider it again."
"The weather is unfriendly with me..."

Okay everyone, here I go....

"Dear our miss KETOS (Ketua OSis). Forgive me for being rude, but I would love you to know the reason why we should just go to school on the usual time. First, It's too damn-early in the morning. Second, this is Modoinding, the most Cold-Weather area in Indonesia I guess.. The water is too damn-cold in the morning. Third, some people need to clean up the house before leaving to school."

Then she replied...
"Dear Kimberly. I don't care. And it's only for a day, not forever you guys will go to school at 4am in the morning, for the sake of 'Teacher's Day'. We also need to decorate the hall for the 'party-like' for our beloved teachers."

Cool, KETOS... You got it RIGHT on the "I DON'T CARE."

"How selfish you are, not thinking about others. If they need to clean up the house before leave, how can they manage their time?"

"I'm not selfish. I do this for everyone's sake. This is just once a year! Even me, I never do any house-cleaning before leaving the house. My uniform? My mom ironed it every morning. And my room, my mom cleaned it up for me. So I can manage my time to do what I please."


"Lucky you, all you need is wake up in the morning, showering, change yourself, breakfast, and leave to school. But how about us? For example, me. Before I leave to school, I need to iron my own uniform, sweep the floor, and so on, and then I can leave my house. Yes. You are truly selfish, only thinking about your own self than the others."

Everybody's went quite, watching a free "debate show" between our miss Ketos and I.

And you know what happened?

"Okay, I quit as a Ketos!"
And then she leaved us with those tears on her cheeks.

Everyone looked at me and standing applause.

"Kim, THANK YOU SO MUCH you've saved my LIFE!!"
"Nice 'SHOOT', Kim!"
"Finally!!! Puahahahha....."

I was so amazed,
when the mornin came, we came to school per usual.
She approached me.
Guess what did she say to me?

"Kim, I'm so sorry about yesterday, I know I was being selfish, forgive me!"

I just smiled at her, sign of 'I forgive you.'
Some people who attended the meeting yesterday "at that time" weren't following the class that day, just me and the other classmates. The teacher (my math's teacher), she was mad. She asked us where the hell are the rest, why they skip my class? (included the Ketos). I didn't raise my voice. Just some nerds told her that they are in the school hall, doing the decorate thingy for the 'oh-so-called-party'. She (my teacher) replied; "Go tell them, meet me at 10am in my room."

They got scolded by that 'evil' Math Teacher, by skipping her class.

She's mad.

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