Friday, November 30, 2012

What's yours?

Am I sensitive?
I can say that....


Random Feeling

This morning I log on facebook.
I saw a post from a community page.

Here's the post (I did screen-capture on the post)
I got random feeling with this post.
Shall I laugh?
It's true quite touching.
I feel crazy cz me myself is still single, lmao..
And I never feel this situation *cough*
But at the same time the guy who post this picture is funny, hahaha.....

He's right.
Just by imagining that, I feel like going crazy D';


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Another Story

So I found an interesting picture on the facebook.
The caption is sooo touching.
You know how "hard" your mom "carry" you along for about 9 months.

And you still dare to make her heart hurts?
Okay, so here's the caption...

"Your mom carried you in her womb for nine months. She felt sick for months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell and her skin stretch and tear. She struggled to climb stairs. She got breathless quickly. She suffered many sleepless nights. She then went through EXCRUCIATING PAIN to bring you into this world. She became your nurse, your chef, your maid, your chauffeur, your biggest fan, your teacher, and your best friend. She's struggled for you, cried over you, hoped the best for you, and prayed for you. Most of us take our mom for granted. But there are people who have lost or never even seen theirs. Let your mom feel how much you love her! Treasure every moment with her..."

Graduation Day

Today is my sister' graduation's day.
She's a student in International Business Administration in Sam Ratulangi's University in Manado.
She has a title now.
In Indonesia, it will be like this --> "Candy Maureen Londais, SE"
The SE is stand for --> Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Economics)

But I can't see her on the graduation ceremony or what because she said that the invitation is only for herself and two people (of course that's for mom and dad).

But me and my lil sister will be together with them (my elder sister and parents) for family picture tomorrow, I'm so happy that yesterday they bought us new dress for the photo shoot tomorrow.

from left to right --> my sister and me

She will wear this dress called "Kebaya". I like the Kebaya :)
Congratulation, my sister!! :D God bless us!!

Sam Ratulangi University Website

Monday, November 26, 2012

Snack Time :'(

Snack time is also a sad time (another sad time) story in my life, lol


Because there's no lunch I can eat.
I am working on the office where there is NO restaurant to go to...
And the possible near place to eat is about 1000000km away, lol

The last choice is eat Snacks to keep my tummy full, lol
You know, ulcer or what...


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pissed Off....

I'm so pissed off, disappointed, trauma, liver ache, and I'm TOTALLY in my BAD-MOOD. (sigh)
Today, this morning, on my way to office, someone stole my bag I put on my scooter when I was riding it!! If my liver was made by a human, I swear it will drop off of my body.

There is my phone (the cheap one) and the sim-card, my pencil bag (which there are all my writing-tools, and my cosmetics), my wallet (there are my ID, photos, and money, but it's only Rp. 15.000,- equals +/- US$ 1,3.), 2 flash disc, etc.

I was so pissed off, because there's my ID card and my sim-card. That guy, the thief, I told my mom about it, and she said "Honey, it's okay.. Maybe he really need them than you. And as long as you are safe, it's okay.. Just forget about it. Next time, you gotta be careful."

I was crying telling my mom. When it was happen, my daddy was riding his motor-bike RIGHT in front of me. I was chasing him and trying to tell him my bag was gone and pointed on the green-jacket guy. Stupid me I ain't check the thief's plat number. *facepalm*

We both chasing him but we can't find him anymore, he was so fast.
I swear I was so scary, and even till now, I AM STILL.

God, bless him...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I was so disappointed today because there's nothing I can eat, hahaha.... (joke)
So, if I disappointed, why do I post pictures of myself?
Well, Idk... Hahaha ._.

I'm boring :/

I love my skin :-D


So there is this guy, he's black sexy guy.
I saw him so stunning on Nicki Minaj's "Right Thru Me" music video.

Watch the MV.
I swear he's gorgeous!
God, have mercy on our eyes... D:

Willy Monfret.
Black guy, tall, sexy, and his precious eyes...


So, I've been watched these series, SUPERNATURAL, and these two tall-dudes named Sam & Dean Winchester has attracted me, wtf...

Especially this dude named Dean Winchester a.k.a Jensen Ackles, he is just...

Oh GOD, have mercy on our eyes.... D-;

He's so attractive (to me) and a hella bad-boy (well, yeah he is)
That's what makes me "fall" lol
Who-ever is his wife, God bless you, ma'am!


I bought a new scooter, it's "suzuki let's" pink (sigh)
Why pink? I ain't sure myself, if it is a pink one or what.
I forgot to take some picture of the scooter.
But here's the scooter looks-like...

the left one.
Is it a pink? YES, IT IS (sigh)
I actually wants the red one, but my mom said the Red one is just too ordinary.
Okay mom...

Today (right now; November 10th) is the first one I ride this to my office.
Lucky me there's no sweeping. I have no drive license, mwahahaha....... 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My love...

It has been days my dog, Avatar keep barking at night.
Yesterday, he ain't go back home like he used to be.
You can tell that he is the "home-dog" type.
I used to play with him in the morning before I go to work.
But now, I lost my beloved one....

I swear I miss you...
And for the bastard whom took you away from me,
I will just let Karma f*ck you up, thief, I swear!

Because in my area, especially for Christian (Protestant) you can eat anything.
"beef dog" a.k.a RW, all Manadonese knew it.
So in here, there is this dish with dog's meat. Believe it or not.
Otherwise, dog's thief are on every day, every dawn around 2-4 am.

My dog is the victim.
I actually ain't sure if my dog is one of the victim.
But my neighbor said that she saw them lift a dog.
Who else the dog was....

I feel so sad :'(

Monday, November 12, 2012


So I was taking a short test on facebook.

There was some question in Bahasa on it, and it's animal-related questions.
Idk, I might a psycho or what hahaha (joke)

"Test Psycho-test of your personalities. 97,5% accurate.

1. Basically you are attracted in people who...
- Unpredictable people. For example, looks like he's careless but actually he is very attentive."

The other number just too embarrassing X-3

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I don't believe with prediction.
Like.. What will gonna happen on me next,
Especially based on.. Blah.. Blah... Blah...
My life is on God's hand.

But, the truth about Zodiac, Shio, Blood Type, etc is..
The personality & Characteristic.

Like, basically, people born on this blah.. Or people with blood type blah...
Has these blah-blah characteristic.

"'s make great lawyers, judges, artists, & musicians because of their diplomacy & creativity."

I read that on my twitter timeline. It's from @XTROLOGY
Kinda true. And thank God, I now attending Law's class,
So a Libran myself can make a great lawyers bcz of diplomacy & creativity.
I swear to God there will be always something new (read; idea) on my brain,
Every time there is some problem, and I'm a pro about solving that shit, *cough*

": comes with a built in lie detector."

I swear to God, when someone talking a lie, I already knew it. I don't know.
I just, have the sense of 'oh, you lie. bring it up! I wanna see what you'll do next.'

"Many are ambidextrous."
Seriously, LMAO.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I finally have a header of my twitter!!

 Follow me!! :D


I have NEVER ever have toothache in my lifetime...
My teeth is still complete.
I heard total tooth is 32.
I have 28. I'm still going to growing.
Four more teeth to go :>

I'm always a big-fan of sprue,
LOL NO ._.

In every month, I HAVE TO HAVE SPRUE.
I never experience that toothache feeling, but SPRUE is just killing me.


What is your reaction when you see this cutiepie in front of you?
I would say... "aww....."


Those pictures were taken when I was... I forgot.


I saw my total post from the beginning of the time.
I'm more active on October, there are lots of post I wrote, hahaha.
November, beat 'em!!


This song will make you feel like you are drunk, ahaha....


I feel so awkward using my own Language,
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) -,-;

I feel more comfortable using another language,
Or maybe English.


Whether it's on facebook status, twitter update, or blog, anything else, I feel something is wrong .-.
Bahasa, it's so hard language, complicated, and it confused me as a native @.@

Friday, November 09, 2012

Today's schedule

I'm so tired right now.

I went to my work place.
Return home at 11 am.
Went to the college, and off to Tomohon City at 1 pm.
Followed the council (since I'm a Law Student so, yeah...).
We ended around 6-7 pm.
Return Bitung City after that, but in the middle of our way home,
we stop by some local restaurant to eat something
since most of us didn't eat anything since morning.
We had our very late dinner or what.
But luckily we still alive, lol.
I arrived home at 10 pm.
And now it's 11.35 pm,
and I'm still up to write my blog and checking up my account (twitter, facebook, etc).
My laptop battery right now is remaining 15 %.
I guess I'm about to shut down this laptop and go to sleep.

Good night for me & Mr. K (6-11/90) over there, hahaha.....


8 planets,
204 countries,
809 islands,
7 seas, people,

Thursday, November 08, 2012


Youth Pledge today...
(Only Indonesian knew this, cough)

1928 : Soempah Pemoeda
2010 : Sumpah Pemuda
2011 : Sump4h P3mud4
2012 : Cumpah Miapah

Let the youth fuck-up the Bahasa xD

Just Kidding.....

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Yesterday @Restaurant

We went to the local restaurant (me, my mom, and dad) yesterday.
We ordered foods. (of course, lol)

My mom suddenly raise her voice.

Mom : "Excuse me!"
Waiters : "Can I help you, Mrs?"
Mom : "Is there any tea I can order?"
Waiters : "Sure thing. You want to order?"
Mom : "Yes. A coffee please."
*the waiters, me and my dad were confused.*
Mom : "Oh wait, and two tea, please."

Mom, wth?! Asdfghjkl

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Our boss's wife gave this to us. 
Thank you so much, Mrs. Siegart!

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday, for someone...
Someone over there,
Someone in somewhere...

Someone which I never met before, lol
Someone which I see as my future husband, hahaha.... (joke)

He's tall,
East Asia,
The definition of Perfect Man.

Once again,
Happy Birthday, Mr. K over there!!

This post is dedicated to you.

Monday, November 05, 2012

The BIG Different...

The BIG Different....
Between the beginning of the month and the end of the month.


The Beginning of the Month
this is me, lol
Rp. 40 million cash (equals +/- US$. 5000,-)

The End of the Month

Rp. 21.600,- (equals +/- US$. 3,-)

Damn, LOL xD

Eye cream

Bought this on my friend's catalog, it's eye-cream.
Since I've a pair of panda-eyes-like.
I have a little time to sleep (I guess) since I'm too busy.
I have no idea how to make it disappear the black circle *sigh*
I wish this thing can help me *sigh*


My favorite fruits!!

(See also my favorite fruits *cough* Durian, Corn (is corn fruit? lol) Pear)

Traditional Market

On Saturday, me and my mom went to the traditional market.
On the way, I saw something.
I asked my mom for Rp. 2.000,- (equals to US$0,20,-)
My mom give me the look 'for-what?!'
I return my back, and buy 'that' thing.
My mom only give me a smile...

Honey, you are 19 years old... Hahaha....

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Soldier's Poem

Throw it all away
Let's lose ourselves
'Cause there's no one left for us to blame
It's a shame we're all dying
And do you think you deserve your freedom

How could you send us so far away from home
When you know damn well that this is wrong
I would still lay down my life for you
And do you think you deserve your freedom

No I don't think you do
There's no justice in the world
There's no justice in the world
And there never was...

Muse - Soldier's Poem

Hang Out

It was just.. After all my activity, there was a time to hang out together.
We choose friday night. We went to the restaurant where we can find "meatballs" and "noodles".

I only took picture(s) when we heading home...