Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My love...

It has been days my dog, Avatar keep barking at night.
Yesterday, he ain't go back home like he used to be.
You can tell that he is the "home-dog" type.
I used to play with him in the morning before I go to work.
But now, I lost my beloved one....

I swear I miss you...
And for the bastard whom took you away from me,
I will just let Karma f*ck you up, thief, I swear!

Because in my area, especially for Christian (Protestant) you can eat anything.
"beef dog" a.k.a RW, all Manadonese knew it.
So in here, there is this dish with dog's meat. Believe it or not.
Otherwise, dog's thief are on every day, every dawn around 2-4 am.

My dog is the victim.
I actually ain't sure if my dog is one of the victim.
But my neighbor said that she saw them lift a dog.
Who else the dog was....

I feel so sad :'(

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