Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Colleges Friends

Since I'm attending night-class in my university, most of my friends are working people. There is a man from the police, there are two from KPLP (Kesatuan Penjaga Laut & Pantai) or Coast Guard something... *you can google it* xD

They OWNED weapon, hahaha....

Those are maniac pistols, lol
Those are FN & Revolver.

Here's random pictures...

Youth Pledge

Few days ago, on October 28, it was the day of "Sumpah Pemuda" or Youth Pledge (in Indonesia). The Youth Pledge (Bahasa: Sumpah Pemuda), was a declaration made on 28 October 1928 by young Indonesian nationalists at a conference in the then-Dutch East Indies. They proclaimed three ideals, one motherland, one nation and one language. -source

As a youth myself, I'm proud as an Indonesian. But governor nowadays kinda sucks... Only few are know how to serve our country, beloved Indonesia....

Here's the content of the Sumpah Pemuda (with the original spelling)

Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia.

In English

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity, Indonesian.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

100 out of 100

Since I'm bored, I'm going to answer these muthafucka 100 questions, hahaha....

    1: State your full name : Kimberly Nadya Londais.
    2: Gender? Female.
    3: Age? 19.
    4: When's your birthday? September, 30th 1993.
    5: Height and weight? Not tall, kinda short. Curve.
    6: Full measurements? (Shoulders, chest, hips) Idk.
    7: Righty or Lefty? Righty.
    8: Any nickname you wanna tell us? Too much, I swear!! But Kitty is my favorite.
    9: Any distinguishing marks, like piercings or tattoos? Piercings.
    10: Describe yourself in one passage : God's Creature.
    11: Which part of your body are you proud or like the most? My dimple, Curve body, etc..
    12: Do you love your parents? OF COURSE.
    13: Any other family member worth of mentioning? My 2 Siblings.
    14: What's your sexual preference? Straight as ffuuu...
    15: Do you have a significant other? Idk.
    16: Any friends and/or enemies? Yes.
    17: Do you believe in superstitions? No.
    18: What about religion? I'm Christian Protestant.
    19: What's your ethnicity? Indonesia? ._.
    20: Do you have an accent? I speak Bahasa ._. No, I prefer English. I swear Bahasa is so hard!!
    21: What's your blood type? B (+)
    22: Are you working or studying? Both.
    23: Do you enjoy working/studying/whatever? Yes. But somehow I'm bored.
    24: What's your maximum grade of study? Idk.
    25: What's your favorite activity? Blogging.
    26: Any talent? Computer-ing.... WTF ._.
    27: What's your more precious treasure? My life.
    28: Do you consider yourself wealthy or privileged? Privileged.
    29: Is your house owned or rented? Owned.
    30: Do you consider your home big? Kinda..
    31: What's your favorite food? "Bakso" a.k.a Meatballs.
    32: Your favorite sport? Brain-Sport-Related.
    33: Any hobby or obssesion? Day-dreaming, having a model-like husband, haha ._.
    34: Do you play any musical instrument? Piano.
    35: Are you outdoor or indoor? Indoor.
    36: Favorite color? Red.
    37: Favorite number? 93.
    38: What kind of music do you listen? Random.
    39: Which activity do you consider relaxing? Napping... Playing with my dog...
    40: Do you have any kind of prejudice? Idk.
    41: Any addiction, like substances or activities? Work & College.
    42: What's your biggest fear? Die... Oh Gosh, no ._.
    43: Any embarassing secret? Have I? Idk.
    44: What is your biggest pet peeve? Idk.
    45: What's your biggest ambition? Make my parents happy.
    46: How do you see yourself? I'm an attractive lady, hahaha... ._.
    47: How do you think others perceive you? I guess they fell on the knees with my smile ._.
    48: Are you a cat people or dog people? I'm a dog lovers. But my life is like a cat. Wth.. ._.
    49: Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Not both.
    50: Do you lie a lot? I'll see the situation first..
    51: What's your zodiac sign? Libra.
    52: Do you have any kinks or fetish? Stupid...
    53: Do you consider yourself sane or insane? Both I guess, haha.. ._.
    54: Which do you think are your stronger personality points? Idk..
    55: Your weaker ones? Every "touching" Thingy... :'(
    56: Do you have any allergies? Yes.
    57: Any chronic or severe decease? Idk.. But so far, none.
    58: Are you handicapped in any way? WTF IS THAT?! :p
    59: Do you take pills for something? For my stupid sudden-headache.
    60: What's your favorite day? Friday.
    61: Your favorite season? Autumn.
    62: Favorite saying? Nothing.
    63: What do you like to wear? Red Thingy...
    64: What's your underwear? Red Underwear (笑)
    65: What's the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Eyes *_*
    66: Where are you living now? Inside a house ._.
    67: What's your favorite holiday? Christmas.
    68: Where do you sleep? On the bed ._.
    69: Would you rather be in a cold or warm enviroment? Cold, hahaha....
    70: Do you consider yourself trustworthy? Trust me ;)
    71: What do you look for in a friend? Stab you in front, haha...
    72: And in a partner? Model-like partner *cough*
    73: Anything you cannot forgive? Nothing... I guess..
    74: Do you take coffee? Not really...
    75: What would be your last words? Sorry...
    76: Do you like animals? Depends... What if crocodile? ._.
    77: Do you like kids? Depends...
    78: Do you believe in love at first sight? Crush on the first sight? Yes...
    79: Can you cook? Yes.
    80: Favorite flower? Idk .-.
    81: What would you do if this was your last day alive? I wish it wasn't true.
    82: What do you like to do in your free time? Sleeping... Playing with my dog...
    83: Any phobias? Aeroacrophobia.
    84: Are you good on math? No.
    85: What about chemistry? No.
    86: Or art? No ._.
    87: What's your bed time? Depends...
    88: Do you sleep well? Yes...
    89: Do you have good hygiene? Yes.
    90: Are you worried about your physical appeareance? Kinda...
    91: Is your reputation important to you? Idk.
    92: Have you ever dated someone? Yes.
    93: What do you think about politics? Politics are awesome. Depends on whom on it.
    94: Do you believe in the good-will of people? Idk.
    95: Do you consider yourself idealistic or realistic? Both.
    96: Comedy or tragedy? Comedy.
    97: Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
    98: Who's your role model? Myself, haha .-.
    99: Any memories you're fond of? Idk.
    100: What are your thoughts on this questionnaire? WOW.

Ideal type

I was just posting about the power of pray...

Talking of which, I have an ideal type...
1. Tall guy. At least, when I wear high-heels, he's still taller than me.
2. Not really fat, but not too skinny. You know, model-like, but not too skinny.
3. Good-looking. Not really handsome, is okay. At least he's good looking. Thank God if handsome.
4. Manly, of course.
5. From East-Asia (Like... Japanese, South Korean, Chinese, or Taiwanese... Hahaha...)

Once there was a guy flirting on me. And my friend said : "Nadya, I swear to God, I'm not willing you to marry with natives!" She meant that the 'natives' is Indonesian, lol... I ask why? She said I'm just too precious to marry with the indiscriminate... Hahaha wtf!!

Ask, Seek, Knock

My dad is black. My mom is white.
Me is a mix both of them, of course, hahaha....

So, one day, me and my dad sat on the same sofa, my mom went out from her room, ready to go to somewhere. She was so beautiful, stunning... On her age... When she finally go, my dad start the conversation...
He said...

"You know what, when I was single, I was praying to God to give me a Beautiful Lady.. And the power of a prayer is just too strong... Remember Kitty... There are 3 ways of God answer our prayer... First, he'll do as we ask... Second, it'll take kinda long time to happen, because He's working on it... Last, he won't answer what we want, He'll do what we really need, because He said 'That's not what you need, but I've something better for you..' So, trust me... Because as it is written, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." on Matthew 7:7 NIV."

Every time I have a conversation with him, it's all worth it :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

My armament, *cough

IDK WTF IS THIS. I put this after using my foundation.
Lip Stain & Concealer
Lip Gloss
Eye liner, Lip balm, Eye Pencil or what, Idk what, & Eye Liner, lol
Idk, Eye Shadow, & Lip Gloss.
Those are my armament on WARZONE, hahaha....


 "the strategies to penetrate the challenges of change"

Book which I found on my work place.

Blowing the Saturday Night, lol

In the middle of the night,
I was wearing sunglasses, WTF XD
And my sister took my picture w/o me knowing before.
I found it when I was holding the camera, and this is it..

After that, we went to the place where I can eat deliciouz meatballs and man.... It was the best meatballs I've ever ate, Bahahaha........

I didn't bring along my camera, so there's no picture(s) of meatballs I have. I will put it up later if I have a change :>

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I've two siblings.

In my house, my dad is the most handsome, hahaha.....

My elder sister --> Candy.
Me (I'm the middle child) --> Nadya.
And my younger sister --> Miranda.

My daddy --> Frans.
My mom --> Wanda.

They used to abbreviate our names, they kinda creative, hahaha...

My dad + My mom = FRANDA <-- stands for FRANswanDA.
Me + My siblings = CANADA <-- stands for CAndyNAdyamiranDA.

Cool, huh?! XD



My favorite color is Red. But recently I love seeing pink. It's not that I'd like to wear pink. It's too girlish. But I found it heart-warming seeing pink.

What is wrong with me and the pink theme, hahaha.............

Good afternoon, errone! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today, Idk why, I really boring..
I decide to post something on my blog..
But I've no idea what to write.

I'm so blank right now.
And today's exam is Bahasa Indonesia!!

I actually not sucks in Bahasa Indonesia.
I was just... Don't know how to start, when it comes to conversation.

I'm still alive~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Mid Exam

It has been 2 days of my exam. So far, it was not really as I expected. I thought it will be like... hella... Not really that bad. The proof is, I still alive, lololol...

Today is the 3rd day. On the first day, there was only 1 subject. Yesterday only 3 subjects. And today only 1. On thursday, there are 2 subjects. After that you can shoot me, because on Friday is free, hooray!!

What a day... On this exam, we MUST wear white shirt and black skirt. No sandals allowed. Hello?! Who the hell want to use sandals?! Maybe boys will, lol.

I freaked out, I have no white shirts. How about wear Batik? I have lots of Batik!! >:-O

Did you know Batik? XD
Here's the example...

Bahasa Indonesia

Yesterday I have a guest (cough) and my boss asked me to explain to her (my guess, lol) how to do her new job. I was bla-ing him with Bahasa Manado (since in Indonesia there are lots of vernacular, and we talk to each other with Bahasa Indonesia so everyone around Indonesia can speak to each other). She didn't understand, so I said "Oh maaf, saya kira kamu mengerti Bahasa Manado, haha..." which means "Oh sorry, I thought you can speak Bahasa Manado, haha..." Because I thought she is a Manadonese, ffuuuu....

So, I was starting to speak with her with Bahasa Indonesia. Seriously, my Bahasa is SUCKS. I better speak in English than Bahasa. Damn, Bahasa is so hard lololol.....

So I was like... "Jadi, begini.. Kamu... Um... Kamu mesti.. Um...", which means "So, this... You... Um... You must... Um..."


 So, because of I was just too hard to speak Bahasa, I said to her in English "Could we just speak English? Because my Bahasa is SUCKS!" We both laugh, lol...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What shall I give?

What shall I give you Lord,
in return for all Your kindness?

Glory to You for Your love.
Glory to You for Your mercy.
Glory to You for Your patience.
Glory to You for forgiving us all our sins.
Glory to You for coming to save our souls.
Glory to You for Your incarnation,
in the virgin's womb.

Glory to You for Your bonds.
Glory to You for receiving the cut of the lash.
Glory to You for accepting mockery.
Glory to You for Your crucifixion.
Glory to You for Your burial.
Glory to You for Your resurrection.
Glory to You who were preached,
to men and women.

Glory to You in whom they believed.
Glory to You who were taken up into heaven.
Glory to You who sit in great glory,
at the Father's right hand.
Glory to You whose will it is that,
the sinner should be saved through,
Your great mercy and compassion.

Ephraem of Syria (ca. 306-373 AD)

Monday, October 22, 2012

I forgot.

I seriously forgot what to write, gimme few minutes to think,


*30 secs later*

I now remember!

So, I've wrote a post about how busy I am for now and for about 4 years ahead.

This is my plan...

LOL, that's "Themis", the goddess of Law...

After graduate, I'll become a Lawyer in my country, I wanna stay in Jakarta. Earning for money as much as I can, since I'm a young lady, so in the future, I would love to spend my life sleeping, or doing the house-life. Like seriously, I'm a fast-bored (wtf?!) person. I'm easily get bored. And I'm a house-person. I just can spend my whole-free-day maybe sleeping, do cleaning house, cooking, or facing the screen of computer, like browsing internet, reading, and writing on my blog like I do right now <3

God bless us....!!

Middle Semester as a Law Student x)

Today, at 5pm, will be the first day of Mid Semester of me as a Law Student on the first Semester. And right now, it's raining in Manado. Cool, it's been a long time for me, having a hard time, dealing with the weather, 33 degrees celcius. Even at night, I'm sweating like there's no tomorrow. I need to change my clothes. If not, I'll dealing with fever (sigh)

I ain't worry at all, let's just pray for my savior, and I'll do my best. For the rest, I'll just give it to the Almighty hands, my savior Lord Jesus Christ.

Happy day for me, and have a blessed day, blast!! :D

"high" on church

The title is just too "lol" for me. It's not that I was "high" on church. It was just yesterday, me and my parents and elder sister went to church. There was an eucharist. Drink Wine and eat Bread. Since I'm a Christian myself, and in my country (for Christian Protestant, Idk if the other country has the same rule with us), people on the age of 17-ish, you'll got "Peneguhan Sidi"

I have no idea what to explain that. But for short, Peneguhan Sidi is part of the confession of faith in the Protestant churches. After catechism, a person can be confirmed through the Peneguhan Sidi by Pastor of the Church through liturgical ceremony before the congregation.

So, I'm 19 myself. I've been following the banquet for about 6 times, if I'm right... Drink wine, and eat bread. So, I kind of joking it with "Gotta go to church, to get high.." Hahaha... Forgive me Lord D: 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Poem... *cough*

I dig,
you dig,
we dig,
he digs,
she digs,
they dig.
It's not a beautiful poem,
but it's very deep.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Today, at twelve, me and my friend, Citra, went to T*xas Chicken.
The guy on the cashier open the conversation while he prepare our order.

He ask us : "So, girls.. Where's your school?"
(In Bahasa, while you asking for school "Sekolah dimana, dik?" that's not referred as school for college or university. But it referred to "Which Jr/Sr High School you attend?" 

Me & Her : "Sorry, mister, but we're worker ladies.." While smiling, we answer his question.

Him : "Oh, pardon me, ladies... You two looks like high-schoolers, hahaha...."

He totally made my day <3

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Let's Go!!!

Few months ago (lmao), I went to the cinemas, watching Step Up Revolution. That was good. After that, I decided to download the album of the songs on the movie. One of them, there's a song "Let's Go". But I guess it's a remix one. Cz I ever heard the same song, with different arrangement. But overall, the song is pretty cool. Travis!!

This is the original song (MV)

This is on the Step Up Revolution

The Rap was...

Busta Rhymes : Before I asadsgahdhsjdlkasdghsadfhgasfg...
Twista : I already asdfhasgdkahdhasdksaj
Yelawolf : Ye.. Ye.. sasfadhhgdkjhakdha
Lil Jon : Let's Go Let's Go Let's Go Let's Go!!


Travis Barker : *ba dum tss...*

 Bitch, plz...

Mr. President!

Mr. President, BARACK OBAMA <3

I admire him, as the 44th President of the United States, and he's the first president of "Afro-America". He spent his childhood in Indonesia, my country <3

He's a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. He was also a president of the Harvard Law Review! Talking about it, since I'm also a Law Student in my University, I adore him more, man... He was a president of the Harvard LAW Review!! HARVARD!! LOL xD

He's on the same age as my dad. My dad was born on February, 25th 1961. He, Mr. President, was born on August, 4th 1961. My daddy is older than him, haha.... :D

Mr. President, God bless you! <3

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm Just Bored..

Since this is a personal blog,
This is the girl who run this blog....


Nah, just kidding....

It was me with a Balinese Mask xD

Hello World :D

That was me, with my half make-up faces.
My make-up thingy is first foundation, powder, eye-liner.


This is me with no make-up <3
I swear to God, I wear no Powder nor Foundation!
I'm ASIAN, and not racist, lololol

Moral of Life...

This is happened few months ago. I was with my daddy, on his motorbike, from somewhere I forgot, heading home. On the way home, there was a guy waving at my dad and my dad 'honk' him sign for 'hey' back to him. That guy (at that moment) was near the street, he work on oh-so-called "Bengkel", Idk what's Bengkel in English. For short, Bengkel is when your vehicle is broke, need to repair, Bengkel is the right place, lol xD

The Bengkel is so small. You can say it's only 1x2meters. You can imagine how small it is. I didn't ask my dad who was he. He was the one whom telling me. Here's the conversation..

Dad : "He's my grandcousin."
Me : "Oh really? From which side?"
Dad : "My mom. I wanna tell you something."
Me : "Tell me..."
Dad : "When he was young, their family is well-known family. Rich family. His daddy is a business man, while his mom is a Pastor."
Me : "And what happened with what I just saw?"
Dad : "His parents want him to school for his future."
Me : "Well??"
Dad : "He thought that 'Come on, my parents are both rich. I'm on rich family. I don't need school. For what?' And he had no respect on his parents. He was a stubborn child. He won't listen to what his parents said, he was not a filial child, till God take his parents life away..."
Me : "I now understand. God is fair."

Facts that Child didn't Know...

‎8 Fakta ✔ yang tidak diketahui oleh anak:
8 Facts ✔ which child didn't know:

✔1. Anak sering tidak mengerti jika dibalik sepengetahuannya orang tuanya selalu memuji anak di depan saudaranya.
✔1. Child sometimes didn't understand under his knowledge, his parents always praised their son in front of their relatives.

✔2. Anak sering tidak mengerti bahwa semua yang di lakukan orang tuanya hanya untuk kebaikan masa depan anak.
✔2. Child sometimes didn't understand that all his parents doing is just for the sake of his future.

✔3. Anak sering tidak mengerti bahwa orang tuanya telah menjalani kehidupan yang lebih keras dibanding anak.
✔3. Child sometimes didn't understand that his parents has been through a hard life than him.

✔4. Anak sering tidak mengerti bahwa di setiap doa dan harapan orang tua nama anak selalu di ingat dan disebut.
✔4. Child sometimes didn't understand that every pray and wishing of his parents, his name is always in it.

✔5. Orang tua jarang sekali memberitahukan mengenai pengorbanannya selama melahirkan anda.
✔5. Parents seldom tell you about their sacrifice during your birth.

✔6. Orang tua telah mempersiapkan warisan terbaik (tidak selalu harta) untuk anaknya, hanya tinggal menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk menyerahkan.
✔6. Parents have prepared the best legacy (which is not always money or something) for their son, just to wait for the right time to give it.

✔7. Orang tua tidak rela melihat anaknya hidup bersusah – susah di tempat orang lain.
✔7. Parents not willing to see their son having a hard life in somebody else's place.

✔8. Anak tidak mengerti setiap kali ia membentak, hati orang tua akan bergetar dan menyebabkan umurnya lebih pendek.
✔8. Son didn't understand that every time he rebelled, their parents' heart will trembling and that'll make their life shorter.

Note :
✔Sayangi Orang Tua kalian selagi mereka masih ada bersama kalian di dunia ini.
Note :
✔Love your parents while they still breath...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ilmu Negara

The title is in Bahasa..
Google it, wtf is the meaning, lol

So, I was attending a university for worker people.
I mean, people which already work, attend the class after work.

For example, me, my job start from 8 am - 4 pm.
At 5 pm, off to college.

So it isn't a regular class.
It's for WORKER PEOPLE, like me...

So there's a teacher, she's a young lady teacher.
But excuse me. She makes the class of her subject like a normal class for worker people like us, which means there's no time for us to do some homework, or shit.

Damn, seriously. This time, she command us to make a Makalah (Papers), and every group, there are 3 person. 1 week and after that presented it to the class.

Seriously bitch, just die asdfghjkl


Recently, my area (where I live), Manado is super hot. 
I'm curious with the degrees, how hot it is right now.
Since the air conditioner in my office seems like didn't work, broke, or something...

It's just too hot!
I went to google and type "weather manado indonesia"

This is what I got...

Dragon Fruit

Did you know "DURIAN" ?? 

Ya, I love Mangosteen, LOL JK~
Okay, this is the first time I bought a "DRAGON' FRUIT"...
I only bought one, cause I'm scary, 

how if my tongue doesn't agree with the taste?!

I put it on the refrigerator. 

I want to eat it in a cold condition, maybe it taste better? Haha ._.
My friends said that this fruit is kind of.. 
Sweet and kinda sour. 
Ya, kinda extreme, hahaha... 
They also said that the best way to eat the fruit, blend it with some milk. 

Nice suggestion! I'll eat this fruit tomorrow :) 
If this fruit can deal with my throat, 
I'll buy it more, hahahahaha x) 
Hey Dragon, please be nice to me, tomorrow :)

By the way...

I was confused with the price.
18500 or 12060
They didn't put Rp. (Rupiah)

TOO MUCH numbers on it..
 LOL F*ck my brain, I don't care, ahahahahaha......
  AMEN?! Ya, Amen... :)

Don't do this at home!!!!!!!

So my mom bought me a doll,
And I love bear~~~


My face is a lil bit stupid, but that's the art, ya know!! LOLOLOL

My Cousin

I have 12 cousins.
8 from my daddy's side.
4 from my mom's side.
6 are married (Idr their name, but I know them -my daddy's side)
2 grow-up dudes, both still single (Ance & Noldy -my daddy's side)
1 a junior high school dude (Creflo -my mom's side)
3 are still elementary students (Kai, Sarah, & Matthew -my mom's side)

This is Kai...
What are you doin, Kai?



I got it! LOL

Friday, October 12, 2012


I was listening to Linkin Park's song "Given Up".
The song is EPIC.

Old song, but I like it <3

His screaming, Chester Bennington,
From 2:26-2:43.
17 secs.

Not Bad *cough* XD


So, I now writing on October.. It's on "berberber" months. Christmas is coming soon. I was listening to this song right now, and feels like Christmas is tomorrow, lololol

LOL, Cute Lyrics, xD

"My Christmas List"

Santa is coming tonight
And I want a car, and I want a life
And I want a first class trip to Hawaii
I want a lifetime supply
Of skittles & slurpees and Eskimo pies
I want a DVD,
A big screen TV
Just bring me things that I don't need

'Cuz now it's Christmas
And I want everything
I just can't wait
So don't stop spending
I want a million gifts, that's right
Don't forget my Christmas list tonight
'Cuz now it's Christmas

Somebody take me away
Or give me a time machine
To take me straight to midnight
I'll be alright

I want a girl in my bed
Who knows what to do
A PlayStation 2
I want a shopping spree
In New York City
Just bring me things that I don't need


I wish I could take this day
And make it last forever
And no matter what I get tonight
I want more

It's Christmas and I want everything
I just can't wait
It's Christmas and I want everything now

And I want everything
I just can't wait
So don't stop spending, I
Want a million gifts,
That's right
And I can't wait 'til midnight
Don't forget my Christmas list tonight
'Cuz now it's Christmas


Sorry, I was spoiling around with the webcam, too embarrassed to put it up on facebook, lol. Wohoho, wait.. Who am I "sorry" for? NOBODY :'( lololol

National Costume

So few days ago, I was reading a local newspaper, the headline title is : "National Costume from Indonesia with theme 'Kuda Lumping' attracted worldwide attention."
Here's the picture of Indonesia's National Costume...

It held in Okinawa, Japan.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


So *cough* yesterday I cooked some noodles. My mom, IDKY, she bought us chopsticks. LOTS OF CHOPSTICKS. I've wrote about my dad's obsession with Chinese Movies. And yesterday I return home, I enter my room, I found my grandma was watching TV, and.... CHINESE channel. Ok. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM. 

Ok, back to the topic, I was thinking about how about eat the noodle with chopsticks, I was challenging myself. No spoon and fork, chopsticks instead, lol.

I guess I need someone in the future to teach me how to use chopsticks.

LOL, yesterday night my dad mocking me "Our kitty* using chopsticks..." and I replied "I guess your future son in law is a Chinese *cough*" And we both laugh, lol

*Kitty is my nickname from him. Only him used to call me that way. :)


(Horas is a greeting frequently said in everyday life by Batak People from North Sumatra especially the “Tapanuli” - Indonesia, quite famous for Indonesian people. You say "HORAS" with fist up in the air, with your voice kinda oh-so-called-medium screaming, lololol)