Tuesday, October 30, 2012

100 out of 100

Since I'm bored, I'm going to answer these muthafucka 100 questions, hahaha....

    1: State your full name : Kimberly Nadya Londais.
    2: Gender? Female.
    3: Age? 19.
    4: When's your birthday? September, 30th 1993.
    5: Height and weight? Not tall, kinda short. Curve.
    6: Full measurements? (Shoulders, chest, hips) Idk.
    7: Righty or Lefty? Righty.
    8: Any nickname you wanna tell us? Too much, I swear!! But Kitty is my favorite.
    9: Any distinguishing marks, like piercings or tattoos? Piercings.
    10: Describe yourself in one passage : God's Creature.
    11: Which part of your body are you proud or like the most? My dimple, Curve body, etc..
    12: Do you love your parents? OF COURSE.
    13: Any other family member worth of mentioning? My 2 Siblings.
    14: What's your sexual preference? Straight as ffuuu...
    15: Do you have a significant other? Idk.
    16: Any friends and/or enemies? Yes.
    17: Do you believe in superstitions? No.
    18: What about religion? I'm Christian Protestant.
    19: What's your ethnicity? Indonesia? ._.
    20: Do you have an accent? I speak Bahasa ._. No, I prefer English. I swear Bahasa is so hard!!
    21: What's your blood type? B (+)
    22: Are you working or studying? Both.
    23: Do you enjoy working/studying/whatever? Yes. But somehow I'm bored.
    24: What's your maximum grade of study? Idk.
    25: What's your favorite activity? Blogging.
    26: Any talent? Computer-ing.... WTF ._.
    27: What's your more precious treasure? My life.
    28: Do you consider yourself wealthy or privileged? Privileged.
    29: Is your house owned or rented? Owned.
    30: Do you consider your home big? Kinda..
    31: What's your favorite food? "Bakso" a.k.a Meatballs.
    32: Your favorite sport? Brain-Sport-Related.
    33: Any hobby or obssesion? Day-dreaming, having a model-like husband, haha ._.
    34: Do you play any musical instrument? Piano.
    35: Are you outdoor or indoor? Indoor.
    36: Favorite color? Red.
    37: Favorite number? 93.
    38: What kind of music do you listen? Random.
    39: Which activity do you consider relaxing? Napping... Playing with my dog...
    40: Do you have any kind of prejudice? Idk.
    41: Any addiction, like substances or activities? Work & College.
    42: What's your biggest fear? Die... Oh Gosh, no ._.
    43: Any embarassing secret? Have I? Idk.
    44: What is your biggest pet peeve? Idk.
    45: What's your biggest ambition? Make my parents happy.
    46: How do you see yourself? I'm an attractive lady, hahaha... ._.
    47: How do you think others perceive you? I guess they fell on the knees with my smile ._.
    48: Are you a cat people or dog people? I'm a dog lovers. But my life is like a cat. Wth.. ._.
    49: Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Not both.
    50: Do you lie a lot? I'll see the situation first..
    51: What's your zodiac sign? Libra.
    52: Do you have any kinks or fetish? Stupid...
    53: Do you consider yourself sane or insane? Both I guess, haha.. ._.
    54: Which do you think are your stronger personality points? Idk..
    55: Your weaker ones? Every "touching" Thingy... :'(
    56: Do you have any allergies? Yes.
    57: Any chronic or severe decease? Idk.. But so far, none.
    58: Are you handicapped in any way? WTF IS THAT?! :p
    59: Do you take pills for something? For my stupid sudden-headache.
    60: What's your favorite day? Friday.
    61: Your favorite season? Autumn.
    62: Favorite saying? Nothing.
    63: What do you like to wear? Red Thingy...
    64: What's your underwear? Red Underwear (笑)
    65: What's the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Eyes *_*
    66: Where are you living now? Inside a house ._.
    67: What's your favorite holiday? Christmas.
    68: Where do you sleep? On the bed ._.
    69: Would you rather be in a cold or warm enviroment? Cold, hahaha....
    70: Do you consider yourself trustworthy? Trust me ;)
    71: What do you look for in a friend? Stab you in front, haha...
    72: And in a partner? Model-like partner *cough*
    73: Anything you cannot forgive? Nothing... I guess..
    74: Do you take coffee? Not really...
    75: What would be your last words? Sorry...
    76: Do you like animals? Depends... What if crocodile? ._.
    77: Do you like kids? Depends...
    78: Do you believe in love at first sight? Crush on the first sight? Yes...
    79: Can you cook? Yes.
    80: Favorite flower? Idk .-.
    81: What would you do if this was your last day alive? I wish it wasn't true.
    82: What do you like to do in your free time? Sleeping... Playing with my dog...
    83: Any phobias? Aeroacrophobia.
    84: Are you good on math? No.
    85: What about chemistry? No.
    86: Or art? No ._.
    87: What's your bed time? Depends...
    88: Do you sleep well? Yes...
    89: Do you have good hygiene? Yes.
    90: Are you worried about your physical appeareance? Kinda...
    91: Is your reputation important to you? Idk.
    92: Have you ever dated someone? Yes.
    93: What do you think about politics? Politics are awesome. Depends on whom on it.
    94: Do you believe in the good-will of people? Idk.
    95: Do you consider yourself idealistic or realistic? Both.
    96: Comedy or tragedy? Comedy.
    97: Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
    98: Who's your role model? Myself, haha .-.
    99: Any memories you're fond of? Idk.
    100: What are your thoughts on this questionnaire? WOW.

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