Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ideal type

I was just posting about the power of pray...

Talking of which, I have an ideal type...
1. Tall guy. At least, when I wear high-heels, he's still taller than me.
2. Not really fat, but not too skinny. You know, model-like, but not too skinny.
3. Good-looking. Not really handsome, is okay. At least he's good looking. Thank God if handsome.
4. Manly, of course.
5. From East-Asia (Like... Japanese, South Korean, Chinese, or Taiwanese... Hahaha...)

Once there was a guy flirting on me. And my friend said : "Nadya, I swear to God, I'm not willing you to marry with natives!" She meant that the 'natives' is Indonesian, lol... I ask why? She said I'm just too precious to marry with the indiscriminate... Hahaha wtf!!

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